Inferior Species

I believe we have taken technology for granted that we do not realize the dangers of them. That is why through my motion graphics I want to talk about the dangers of using technology, not only our mobile devices, but other technology as well, but this time with a genre I have never done before - HORROR.
I aim to spread awareness of the overusing of technology, not only our phones, but other things like gaming, plastic surgery, and the use of computer in general.
Click to view the work (on the HIGHLIGHTS section)

Short motion graphics created with 3D assets for the 2020 NAFA Grad Expectations. The teasers played on the theme of using action figures, showing a package being delivered, and it being opened. Both teasers were released before the big reveal on July 7, where the action figures stole the show to much fanfare.

Before Long
A submission for Young Lions Live 2020. The brief tasked us with developing a solution for the United Nations World Food Programme to help reduce food wastage in communities.